January 16, 2010

i like ......

hi guys.feeling like posting again..hurm.. since i'm into kpop, so i just want to share this. ok, smalam, 2 boy groups mule debut dlm kpop dan bw genre yg berbeza. kre group baru la ni, and surprisingly, i like them. from voice to stage present, they're like already a pro. let me introduce them here..

group ni tdiri dr 9 org.. and debut song, Mazeltov. go and search at youtube utk tgk debut stage drng. genre group ni adelah pop dance, and yeah, their dance skill, AWESOME! But my fav song from them is Love Coach. And my fav members are Hyungsik(for the look), Minwoo(for the dance) and Dongjun(for the voice)..

ni plak tdiri dr 4org talented people. and my fav need to be Jonghyun(for the look, voice and all) yg memakai sneakers putih. Drang debut dgn title song, I'm A Loner. juge bleh didapati di youtube. klu korang mngikuti drama korea, "You're Beautiful", slh sorang dari mereka ni, Jung Yonghwa (berbaju biru dan bkasut itam) pn blakon cte tu. igt Shinwoo-hyung? itula die~^^.

tp, my forever favorite is So Nyuh Shi Dae / Girls' Generation!!!


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